Manon Lepauvre
Manon Lepauvre began her musical journey as a flautist on the « orchestre à l’école » programme before entering the Laval Conservatoire and subsequently the Paris 9th Conservatoire. She quickly developed an interest in composition, joining Marco Suarez’s class in 2012.
Between 2014 and 2018 she studied composition at the Aubervilliers Conservatoire with Martin Matalon, writing works for solo instruments and small ensembles. She also participated in CompoLab and Barcelona’s international composition course, and graduated successively from Rennes II University (BAMus) and Paris 8 University (MMus in composition).
In 2018 she joined Martin Matalon’s class at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Lyon, composing instrumental works for performance at the Conservatoire and graduating in 2021.
In 2021 she entered the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Paris, studying with Frédéric Durieux.
Since 2019 she has received commissions from French ensembles including K/D/M, Sillages, Multilatérale, Écoute, 2E2M, Le Concert Impromptu and Quatuor Aeolina, as well as from the Friends of the Philharmonie de Paris.
Manon is involved in music teaching for the under-sixes, with a special emphasis on introducing younger audiences to contemporary music. She has composed three shows for children and was awarded a grant from the French Ministry of Culture for La Morsure de la Limace, commissioned by Le Concert Impromptu. She is also supported by the Fondation Société Générale.