the season
From the start the PMO has been charting its own unique course. Like with all independent ensembles, sustaining and developing its resources is a constant challenge but it is also an opportunity to think out-of-the-box while reaffirm our core values: social and cultural solidarity, benevolent management, and a particular attention to gender parity.
Join us throughout the season for...
- Prestigious concerts: Festival Berlioz, Nova Mondo concert at the Cité de la Musique - Philharmonie de Paris, Mozart's Great Mass in C at Les Invalides...
- The PMO in Bourges: a 360⁰ artistic residency in partnership with the inspiring Maison de la Culture directed by Olivier Atlan - where the PMO will present two bold new works by Benoît Menut and Silvia Colasanti - but also with the local prison, psychiatric hospital and the Bourges European Capital of Culture 2028 bid team!
- Athéna la combative, a new work by Manon Lepauvre based on a text by Isabelle Pandazopoulos, which will be performed throughout the year in some twenty schools in the Île-de-France and Centre-Val de Loire regions as part of the PMO’s educational programme “Orchestre Au Bahut” and the Cultural Olympiads.
- Instrumental and conducting masterclasses at the Conservatoire de Bourges and the Salle Rossini at the Mairie du 9e in Paris, where the PMO programmes regular free chamber music concerts featuring PMO musicians.
- And of course, one of the highlights of this season: the 3rd edition of La Maestra Competition which will take place at the Philharmonie de Paris in March 2024.
Thank you to all the programmers, loyal patrons and partners, the Mayors of Bourges and the 9th arrondissement of Paris, and the Educational Academies of Orléans-Tours, Créteil and Versailles for their trust and esteem.
At the dawn of the PMO's new season, we all feel strongly that “Allegro of gratitude” so eloquently expressed by Vladimir Jankélévitch.
Claire Gibault