le jardin en mouvement
Melologue for narrator and orchestra inspired by the text “Pour un jardin en mouvement” by Gilles Clément (Où en est l’herbe, Actes Sud, 2006)
Gilles Clément’s thinking is revolutionary and visionary. His extraordinary life, his choices, always singular and in deep agreement with his values, make him an extraordinary modest gardener. “To do as much as possible with, as little as possible against” sums up the position of the gardener of the Jardin en Mouvement. What if music was a medium that allowed the invisible to be brought into relief, sculpting in an infinitely subtle way the forces of the musicians involved? This garden of sound in movement is a research, a wasteland towards new spaces of thoughts and links between beings. The musicians are, through their sounds, these species that move from one place to another, that expand. This piece seeks to truly integrate the author’s ideas within the musical construction. Nature is no longer a concept, but the main entity to which we are listening, like benevolent hosts. The garden is not a place of power, of domination of the Man on the elements, but on the contrary, a way of learning directed by the living.
artistic team
- writer, gardenerGilles Clément
- composerAlexandra Grimal
- narrator (Comédie-Française)Suliane Brahim
- conductorClaire Gibault
- Paris Mozart Orchestra
| le jardin en mouvement
- 24/09/20229th arrondissement town hall courtyard
- 24/05/2022Pavillon Chesnaie du Roy - Parc Floral de Paris
- 20/05/2022Lycée Galilée – Gennevilliers
- 19/05/2022Lycée Camille Pissarro – Pontoise
- 18/05/2022Lycée Nicolas Joseph Cugnot – Neuilly-sur-Marne
- 13/05/2022Collège Marais de Villiers – Montreuil
- 12/05/2022Lycée EREA Françoise Dolto – Beaumont-sur-Oise
- 22/04/2022Collège Le Petit Bois – Pierrelaye
- 21/04/2022Internat d'excellence – Sourdun
- 15/04/2022Lycée EREA Toulouse Lautrec – Vaucresson
- 14/04/2022Collège Théodore Monod – Gagny
- 08/04/2022Collège Saint Didier – Villiers-le-Bel
- 07/04/2022Collège Robespierre – Épinay-sur-Seine
- 31/03/2022Lycée Jean-Baptiste Clément – Gagny
technical specs
⏱ Duration | 1h
🎻 Distribution | narrator, conductor, 10 musicians (violin, viola, cello, double bass, flute, clarinet, bassoon, trumpet, saxophone, percussion)
le jardin en mouvement is the artistic project of the season 21/22 of Orchestre Au Bahut.
+33 6 43 24 61 79